A Few Things Every 在线 Student Needs To Know

不管你有没有注意到, we all have inherited or learned traits as we've progressed through our schooling. Some traits help us to succeed, such as being patient. Other traits may hinder our progression, such as procrastination. Learning online may be new for you and it will surely require an adjustment.


When learning online, the possibilities for your potential are limitless! You are no longer confined to learning only within a certain classroom at a certain time in a particular building. 你现在可以上网了, 在澳门十大赌城官方网站自己的时间, 复习材料, 参加练习考试, 完成作业, 与他人互动等等! Of course, learning in this way takes some getting used to and requires an open mind. In the process, you may also learn more about yourself and how you prefer to learn.


在线并不意味着“即时”. 网络连接可能很慢或掉线, 一个网站可能会关闭, or time may stand still waiting for an instructor's feedback. 保持冷静,耐心点! 一些基于web的工具需要更长的加载时间, 有些文档可能需要更多的时间来显示, 一些通信需要更多的时间来发送. Remember that clicking too many times to accomplish the same task can have an adverse affect on what we are trying to do. It's similar to pressing an elevator button multiple times. 它不会让电梯看起来更快!


At first, learning online may be a dramatic change you. Some of us find comfort with having to show up at a certain time each day for a class or series of classes. 你是否开始学习完全的在线课程, or are just visiting an online course for resources, the freedom to accomplish such tasks can be intimidating at first.

As best as possible, establish a routine and avoid procrastination. Try to stick to the recommended or required course deadlines. Set aside some time each day for completing the course readings or activities. 除了, plan to spend a good amount of time reviewing messages from your teacher and classmates within the online discussion, 以及对他们的回应. 过了一会儿, you will begin to feel more comfortable and confident as you settle into your routine.


Learning online will require that you have access to a computer with a reliable internet connection. 这可能并不总是那么容易, particularly if you do not own a computer or have an Internet service provider at home. 然而, there are so many places to connect to the Internet such as school computer labs, 公共图书馆, 咖啡店, 或者去朋友或亲戚那里. If you are having difficulty finding a connection, don't give up and avoid making excuses. Check with your school about Internet resources available onsite or within the community.


Computers are an essential part of your online learning journey. If you own a computer, be sure to maintain the hardware and update the software regularly. As with any important piece of equipment in our lives, 比如手机或汽车, computers need regular care and attention to operate smoothly. Be sure to regularly organize your electronic files, update operating system software and other supporting systems such as browsers and protect your computer from malware and viruses.

Lastly, technology can be unstable at times so make sure you back up your important files. One successful strategy is to keep copies of course documents and assignments on a portable flash drive. This small device can be carried on a key chain and plugged into another computer when necessary. Losing your work is one lesson you do not want to experience.


Some students mistake the concept of learning "anytime, anywhere" for not having to participate. 在每一堂课上, some students always contribute to the discussion, 有些学生参加了一半的时间, and some students are shy and stay rather quiet. 你适合做什么?

In every case, the online environment accommodates all types of learning styles and preferences. If you are shy and don't like to share your thoughts in class, that's okay. Discussing topics online allows you the time to digest the concept, 反映, 收集证据, 并发表一个深思熟虑的回应. You also get to see the responses and perspectives of all of your classmates instead of just the few that always participate. So, what are you waiting for, get in there and participate!


在线学习可能需要大量的写作. Communicating in writing is much different than communicating in person and the tools we use online to interact can vary. Your teacher may post some requirements as part of the course on how to interact properly with the available tools so be sure to follow those requirements.  If not, the following recommendations should help you get started. Similar best practices are often referred to as "netiquette."

  • 写作清晰简洁.
    Use full sentences, including proper grammar and spelling. In other words, avoid "chat" type text unless requested.

  • 保持你的个性.
    表达意见和观点时, 想办法添加幽默, 情感, 同理心, 以及其他元素.

  • 避免剽窃.
    总是用你自己的话来表达自己. When using someone else's words to help describe or support your point, quote or credit your source.

  • 创建草稿.
    撰写长消息时, 电子邮件, 或者讨论回应, you may want to draft them off-line first to avoid any possibility of losing your work. You can also take advantage of spell and grammar checkers when drafting off-line.

  • 电子邮件正确.
    Always include a Subject for each email and always sign your name at the end to inform your instructor you are sending the message.